JJ High End Hi-fi Amps
JJ Electronic has been offering all tube Hifi amps since 1999 and is now offering a full line of very high quality amps and preamps. They are extremely unique in design and sound. The JJ 322 using a quad of 300B’s, the JJ 323 using a quad of the 2A3-40’s and the smaller JJ 239 Mono Blocks using single 2A3-40’s or the JJ 309 Mono Blocks using 300B’s all have a way of capturing music and presenting it with more emotion and detail than amps at five to ten times the cost. The warmth and breadth of the sound stage is quite remarkable as is the ability to listen to a true SET amp that actually delivers 20 watts per side which is the case with the JJ 322 and JJ 323 Dual Mono Block amps. These two amps have the ability to drive speakers in the 92 to 94db efficient range with ease, something no other SET amp can accomplish. Both the JJ 322 and JJ 323 incorporate volume controls and the input sensitivity is such that almost any digital device can be used with no preamp with spectacular results. However when paired with the JJ 243 Preamp any of the JJ 300B or 2A3-40 amps go from spectacular to astonishing! This brings us to the JJ 243 Preamp which like the JJ SET amps is a work of art. It is a four channel preamp with a Phono stage that has separate dip switches for each channel to compensate for different cartridges. It uses two ECC82 and two E88CC tubes up top and four more E88CC tubes located internally for the phono stage. It's a hefty 30 lbs and beautifully finished to match the JJ 322, the JJ 323 and the JJ 239 amps. It has two separate outputs so you can drive two stereo amps and another left and right outputs that are non-volume compensated. When we took possession of our JJ 322 in March of 2001 the JJ 243 preamp was still in R&D so we had been running our Marantz Njoe Tjoeb 4000 modified tube driven CD player directly into the JJ 322. Later in 2002 when the JJ 243 became available we ordered one in to match the 322. Having spent more than a year with the 322 we were very dialed in to its sound and quite honestly we did not expect to hear a great deal of difference adding the JJ 243 preamp. But, when you’re wrong, you’re wrong... The difference was simply stunning to say the least! We bypassed the JJ 243 multiple times in A/B listening and each time the 243 was injected back into the lineup everyone just looked around, smiled and shook their heads in disbelief. The combination of the JJ 322, the JJ 243 and the modified Marantz is heavenly. Our reference system here at Eurotubes is still the JJ 322 Dual Mono Block amp, the JJ 243 Preamp and the Marantz Njoe Tjoeb 4000. The system is driving a pair the original Klipsch Reference 7 towers. These are 101db efficient speakers so listening levels can go from mild background volumes to floor shaking levels not reached by any other SET amp other than the JJ 323! Speaking of the JJ 2A3-40 tubes most Hifi aficionados will know and remember the 2A3 tubes of yesteryear which were a 2.5 watt tube. The JJ 2A3-40 while maintaining the tonal characteristics of the original 2A3 far out performs it. You can read a customer review of the JJ 2A3-40 here. Leaving the SET format JJ Electronic also makes the JJ 828 which is a push pull ultra linear all tube integrated preamp and amp using eight KT88’s to produce 70 watts RMS per side! This amp is not for the faint of heart, nor is it for the average or entry level audiophile! It is in one word a “Hotrod”. It will drive all but the most inefficient speakers far beyond their capabilities as well as pushing your ears to the outer limits! Most of our JJ 828 customers have found that the vast majority of their listening is done with the 828 barely idling. We do have an 828 here and it is occasionally fired up when we are in the mood for a volume thrill ride! It’s not all about the power, it is an amazing sounding amp but way over the top in the power department!   ((Read the review on the JJ 828 published in Vacuum Tube Valley Magazine))  The amp we most often recommend for the budding audiophile as well as anyone looking to get into a great sounding tube amp within a budget is the JJ 543 which is an all tube integrated preamp and amp using four 6L6GC's (two per side) in a classic ultra linear push pull configuration producing a powerful 35 watts per channel. The look of the JJ 543 is more component-like and modern. It is completely remote controlled allowing switching between four channels and adjusting the volume level. It is equipped with sub-woofer outputs both regulated and unregulated making it full featured. The amp utilizes a controlled warm-up feature to maximize tube life. Since early 2007 we have been enjoying one of the JJ 543's in the office. It runs about 10 hours a day on average thru a pair of Klipsch Reference RB-35's and it's warm sound and spectacular detail are top notch for a push pull circuit. For you Vinyl spinners JJ makes a companion phono preamp the JJ 283 which was built specifically for the JJ 543. It can of course be used with almost any power amp with stellar results. The preamp is built around four ECC83S's which achieve a gain of 50db per channel. This makes the 283 ideal for all MM cartridges as well as MC carts with an output of 0.8mV or higher. You can see the amps including spec’s and pricing in the online store!
The JJ Hifi amps are now available to order from the online store. At this time the amps are a custom order allowing you to choose the finishes that you want. Prices listed are half of the total cost with the balance due when we ship the equipment to you. You can see them here!
JJ 243 and 322 JJ 309 Mono Blocks and JJ 243 Preamp JJ 323 JJ 828 Eurotubes office JJ 543 JJ 543 and JJ 283 JJ 283 phono preamp JJ 543
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